Friday, April 30, 2010

So, this one time in Spain I ate...

A bowl of melted cheese. Seriously.

Some friends and I went out for tapas and copas the other night, and I ordered the restaurant specialty: a tapa called provoleta napolitana. The menu described it as grilled provolone cheese with tomatoes, olives, olive oil, garlic and other herbs (my best translation). I was expecting something like an empanada, or something on top of bread, or... I don't exactly know what I was expecting. What I got was all of those ingredients melted together in a bowl.

Literally, it was a medium-sized bowl full of melted cheese that I ate with a spoon. It was surprisingly and amazingly one of the best things I have tasted in Spain. I suppose it might be almost like a pizza without bread or tomato sauce. Even so, I still can't get over the fact that they served a tapa that is just melted cheese...


  1. That's hulllarious. All the Spanish mice say om nom nom!

  2. And I join them with a hearty "hom nom nom"
